oost mobile android 2011.
iMikeTMar 22, 06:23 PMThe updated iMacs are said to feature Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt as expected, but no major cosmetic changes are reported to be included.
This is a no brainer. What's the next piece of breaking news, an annual iPhone centric event in June or July? :rolleyes:
oost mobile android 2011. new
xPismoSep 26, 09:51 AMNo iPhone for me then. Cingular blows.
No iPhone for me neither. But really, unless it was out-of-the-park good, there was no change I get one anyway.
Is anyone else getting a bit tired of all this apple branding outside of the computer space? I mean, a phone? Why o why SJ? :confused:
oost mobile android 2011.
roland.gApr 20, 10:15 AMThis is total BS. We should have been informed of this and a way to turn it off or delete the file on our own. As for the poster above who stated it only goes to your computer, I highly doubt it. This is another big brother tracking honest citizens. Hope a class action does happen. I will definitely sign on!
You need to get off the grid dude. Get rid of it all. Just disappear. Don't even write your name in your underwear. Get a fake ID under the name Topsy Krets.
oost mobile android 2011. new
MultimediaSep 10, 08:20 AMThe iMacs will NEVER see Kentsfields. Apple would have to have put Conroe in the new iMacs for that even to be a remote possibility. Even if they had I would still say it would never get Kentsfields.
I mean people are saying that Conroe is too hot for the iMac as it is (I don't think they are) but Kentsfield is two Conroe dies on one package. Meaning almost double the power consumption and heat generation.You appear to have no imagination. Kentsfield Will Go Into A New iMac Redesign. Have you not seen this mock-up yet? There are options in design that can make the iMac much cooler even with more heat producing elements inside.The iMac is huge (relatively speaking), are you telling me such a huge enclosure won't be able to dissipitate an extra 30W or so? It is only around 30W more!
Like it or not Apple will have to somehow fit the Kentsfield into their lineup, cos their advertising campaigns are going to look very lame when Dell simply cops their "switch" campaign style and come out with a "PC" with 4 heads and a "Mac" with only 2.
When Kentfield replaces Conroes and every $999 Dell ships with quad core, it is quite hard to justify buying a dual (in Apple's case, a $2000+ quad)Exactly generik. Bravo.
I don't buy the notion that the iMac will continue to look like it has for these past two years. The G4 iMac design lasted 2.66 years. We are at the 2 year point of the current design. Why does everyone think the iMac is going to look like it does now in a year? I will be shocked if it does and not surprised at all when it's design changes radically to accomidate more heat from the likes of Kentsfield and Tigerton.
oost mobile android 2011.
toddybodyMay 3, 11:08 AMWould be great to have dual out on 11" MBA too. This way I could have dual displays at my remote office.
You think SB IGP could drive 2 Cinema Displays? :eek:
oost mobile android 2011. new
daneoniApr 25, 01:12 PMGuessing it'll just be a lot thinner. Maybe SSD's or Flash storage instead of HD's. Perhaps we can kiss the Superdrive goodbye? Either way, curious to see what they have in store :) Bringing back the blackbook would be pretty cool too.
They already have that product...it's called the MacBook Air.
oost mobile android 2011.
holycatSep 14, 08:21 AMNew version of Aperture!.. Saweeet
or more likely a new Apple iSLR
16 Megapixels
full frame sensor
Adaptive lens mount supports all Canon and Nikon Lenses
60gb removeable 1.8" hard drive
3" OLED screen
Shoots in a new Apple RAW format
eye tracking for focus
Spot metering
1/8000 shutter with 150,000 shutter life
Full weather sealing
Magnesium body
6fps (up to 25 raw frames)
Depth of Field Preview
Pop up flash
802.11 Wifi
GPS built in
Optional Battery Grip
Scrollwheel navigation for menu system
Apple iScreen Digital Image processor
64 Segment Metering and Spot Metering
Supports Compact Flash
if this is the case...i would rob the bank...to buy that new iCamera!:D :D :D :D :D :D
oost mobile android 2011. via
manu chaoApr 11, 11:44 AMThis makes no sense. Not everyone needs or desires an Airport Express. I never asked Apple for free hardware.
And not everybody needs the free WiFi router you got from your ISP.
Do they license Airplay technology to software developers? I don't think so.
Show me an app on the Mac App Store (or wherever) that acts like an Airport Express and i'll buy it at once.
As said 100 times already, Airfoil Speakers. Yes, you need the Airfoil app but to me that is close enough to acting like an Airport Express unless you want to stream music from your iPad to your iPhone.
What you should think about is: How hard is for a Mac to act like an Airport Express with the proper software? It shouldn't.
Why it there no software like this? Apple does not want to.
Again, what scenario cannot be solved with either the remote app, plugging in your or some guest's iOS device or iPod or connecting to guest's iTunes library via Home Sharing?
Let's see, a guest's iOS device or iPod would have to 'controlled' from your Mac and not from the device itself, ditto for a laptop (though the trial version of Airfoil should transmit a song or two without problems for free wirelessly from anybody's computer to your computer).
oost mobile android 2011.
FraaaaApr 22, 12:11 PMShould I be pissed having bought the new SSD MB Air 4 months ago?:confused: I deserved some TB speeds.
You'll be fine.
oost mobile android 2011.
iMikeTOct 12, 09:46 PMI have to pay an extra $10 and that goes where?
oost mobile android 2011.
SyddeApr 10, 05:43 PMRemember, we have high taxes (~20% VAT etc) but better public services in general.
If you calculate where personal income goes, the US has effectively similar tax rates to most of Europe, just more of it goes to private business instead of the government. The structure of the legal system supports funneling our money upward in a manner that is functionally indistinguishable from privatized taxation. Lamentably, the ROI on privatization, AFAICT, is far lower in the private sector (compare the benefit/overhead ratio of Medicare to most private insurance companies). Personally, I would take government services over more costly, lower quality private services every freaking time.
The dynamic that the US faces right now is similar to north Africa and the Arabian peninsula: as those in power work out more ways to benefit from the misery of the essentially powerless, more and more people are acquiring less and less to lose. The tipping point will be when the sheer volume of despair overtops the levee of hope. The Prince describes these cycles of society. What follows may well be a slight revision of its antecedent, unless we can somehow refer to history to discover some way to break the cycle.
Swings and roundabouts!
oost mobile android 2011.
morespce54Aug 24, 11:05 AMThe enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Or now, in that peculliar case, we could say: The Friend of my Friend is my enemy ;)
(talking about Apple and Creative VS Microsoft VS SanDisk etc.)

oost mobile android 2011.
rileyesMar 29, 03:47 PMOracle's lawsuit against Google is airtight. Android's use of a non-compliant virtual machine (the Dalvik VM) is a clear violation of the Java license agreement. And there's legal precedent: Microsoft paid Sun $20 million back in 2001 when Sun successfully sued them for trying to "embrace, extend, and extinguish" Java.
Google will lose the lawsuit. And nobody has ever accused Larry Ellison of being Mr. Nice Guy. He doesn't want money this time. He wants to protect the intellectual property Oracle acquired from Sun. He wants all copies of Android to be "impounded and destroyed" (a direct quote from text of the suit.) Because if Google is allowed to plagiarize and distort Java, others will follow. Ellison is making an example of Google, and it's going to be a law school textbook IP case study for the ages.
Soon Android will be off the market while Google is forced to retool their JVM to be 100% Java compliant. Google is already scrambling to get rid of their non-compliant Dalvik VM. They actually hired James Gosling, the "inventor" of Java, so they've got religion now.
And, although money isn't the motivating factor behind the Oracle lawsuit, it is a factor nonetheless. Google will end up paying Oracle a license fee for each and every generic me-too Android iPhone clone and iPad clone that their hardware partners can mash up. And that erases Android's only advantage over WP7. Android will no longer be free.
So, when Android is off the market, Nokia's WP7 phones will have a chance to avoid becoming KIN 2.0. There will be a window of opportunity for Nokia and Microsoft to build up a little market share. Some corporations and consumers will buy Nokia WP7 phones just because Nokia and Microsoft are "too big to die." (And just when Google thinks it's safe, when they've implemented a 100% compliant JVM, Apple can sue them for GUI patent infringement. But that's another story...)
In the meantime, both WP7 and Nokia will have zero market presence. For all of 2011 and part of 2012. That's an eternity.
Even if Google loses any patent lawsuit, the phone wont go off the market.
oost mobile android 2011. new
MacRumorsApr 22, 11:17 AMhttp://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/22/production-of-new-thunderbolt-equipped-macbook-airs-set-for-next-month/)
oost mobile android 2011.
zwidaSep 10, 09:51 AMErhm..so the new realeased merom iMac will last for how long:confused: :confused:
worth it to buy now???
thinkiNG of getting one...cant bear with my 3 yrs old of centrinO noteBook...:mad:
I think it's worth buying now. There will always be something better out there. If you're suffering with a 3-year-old Centrino, make your computing life better now with a new iMac.
oost mobile android 2011.
CylonGlitchNov 13, 03:59 PMAgain, as I have said previously, the way these images/icons came about was USING OS X APIs.
That's how they're wrong.
Because they are NO LONGER USING THE API! They give the rights to use the API to call and display the image. It doesn't give them the right to take that image and use it for something else outside of the context it was meant to be used.
oost mobile android 2011.
mcarnesSep 19, 01:50 PMHow long would it take to download a two hour 1080p movie?
Apr 4, 2011
bobber205Apr 20, 06:54 PMWhat programs do you consider to be 'forced charity?'
Likely any money spent by the government that he doesn't agree with. ;)
from Boost Mobile
ten-oak-druidApr 4, 01:01 PMSo no one would have been able to shoot the 19 people who were shot (and 20 injured) in Tucson? Perhaps not the first one or two or even three, but eventually someone would have been able pull out their gun and take out the guy before he got to 5 let alone 19 or 20.
It happens quite often when there are people with CC permits around, it just isn't reported as often as the nut job - who already was a criminal - pulls out a gun and kills innocents.
It might have just happened here too - the who knows where three armed robbers were headed next. They found the 2 in a residential area and closed schools near there.
And for the people wondering, Chula Vista isn't a very nice area and I'm not surprised that guards who are guarding the area (it is not a completely inside mall if memory serves) were carrying guns at night.
Yes if five people in the area all pulled out loaded weapons and started shooting, they all would have hit the killer and no one else.
No one could prevent what happened simply by carrying a gun. He intended to kill and struck without warning.
What actually happens successfully is that criminals who do not intend to kill but threaten get thwarted. Actual killers or criminals who do not care about taking a life in the process are not actually stopped that often. It is a fantasy story concocted by wanna be heros.
Look I am not arguing to take your gun away. I want to keep my gun too. But don't tell me these fantasy stories about how we'll all save the day with our concealed weapon. And don't tell me the story about the big bad liberal who wants to take our guns away either. Its just a wedge issue.
KingCrimsonApr 28, 05:26 PMWow, Apple is pretty much unstoppable now. And if anyone tries to get in their way, they've got a $60b war chest.
Cite? The latest Yahoo! financial page has them at $29 billion.
slfflSep 5, 12:48 PMI don't know about this video streaming device. Let's see, first I use a powerbook. If I'm in the bedroom I just watch it on the laptop. If I'm in the TV room, I have a DVD player and Tivo. I'm not sure who they're going after with this. Now if you can wirelessly stream from an ipod to the device, that might be interesting, especially if the 'client' pieces were cheap, you could hook one to every tv in the house.
prady16Sep 14, 09:06 AMHave a look at the front page.
It doesn't mention anything about a keynote!
ipedroApr 22, 02:20 AMI believe that Apple will offer a hybrid system:
1) iTunes purchases available from anywhere to any Mac or iOS device without local storage necessary.
JoshuarocksApr 19, 11:00 PMThat would leave an awful lot of parents dead.
I don't mean the parents, I meant those who run McDonalds.

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