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PghLondonApr 28, 01:31 PMThe same thing happened when PCs first hit the work place. Then it was all about minicomputers and mainframes, not these toy devices. But hey, put a 3270 card into the PC, hook it up to the big iron, and now you had a real computer device! People simply couldn't imagine that these little PCs would ever surpass the big iron in both power and popularity. But eventually they did.
Tablets are the same way. People are blindly assuming that the tablet of today is what we will be using in 2020. It isn't, any more than the iPod touch is the same as the 2001 original iPod. Things change, devices get vastly more powerful and full of features that people simply could not imagine when they began.
The post-PC era is going to steamroller the naysayers.
THIS. One hundred times, this.
And (sadly), it's always the people that are the power users of the "old way" that are the most surprised when their way of doing things is replaced.
Pitbulls For Sale- 1 -2
(L)May 3, 09:06 PMNo one is forcing you to read or post in any of these threads. You appear to be much more emotionally invested in this than many, including myself. Or maybe your caps lock and question mark keys are stuck.
People sure get emotionally invested about the dumbest things....
Anyone who deliberately uses more than one question mark in English is not properly literate, so let's hope our friend the von Magnum's keyboard is to blame.
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~Shard~Oct 31, 05:13 PMThis discussion is rather amusing in a way - "don't buy 4 cores, wait for 8 cores!" etc. - yeah, and in a few months it'll be "don't buy 8 cores, wait for 16 cores!" and then 32 cores, blah blah, ad infinitum... :p ;) :D :cool:
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lilo777Apr 28, 04:35 PMWow. Just... wow.
What's so surprising? Aren't you running Windows on your Mac too?
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PeterQVenkmanApr 13, 01:53 PMWake up and smell the coffee but as your post indicates you dont live in the real world as companies will pay more for something they feel is better than it really is. Its simple business logic and psychology.
Yes, how will you stay in business if 16 year olds can undercut you on price and have the same quality?
Companies pay a premium for a professional using professional gear not an app you download from the app store.
Does it matter where a carpenter buys his hammer?
Pitbulls For Sale Puppies
klymrApr 12, 10:42 PMWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)
They hinted at motion controls and color as built in items with FCX. No word on the rest of the current suite. There complete lack of mention could mean bye bye suite.
Could it also mean they might just toss them onto the Mac App Store and let you choose which products to buy? I for one never use DVD Studio Pro, Color, Motion, etc. Maybe they'll sell each at their own price point. I guess we wait and see.
of Pitbulls For Sale In
EricNauMar 13, 09:23 PMMODERATOR NOTE
Please, this is not the place to debate the advantages and disadvantageous of nuclear power, nor any other politically-charged issue. From the Forum Rules:
Threads and posts on controversial political, religious, and social issues are to be limited to the Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum, and made only by those eligible for that forum.
If you wish to discuss this issue, please start a thread in PRSI (http://forums.macrumors.com/forumdisplay.php?f=47) if you qualify. Thanks
Meanwhile, my sincerest condolences to all who were affected by this disaster. Hang in there, and stay safe.
KnightWRXMay 2, 03:56 PMIt can't achieve privilege escalation without the user entering their admin password. That means it can't damage your Mac OS X installation.
Are you purposefully ignoring my point ? Look, if you don't know and don't care about the finer points, don't reply or try to participate.
I'm curious how it auto-executes the installer because that can have potential damaging results for a user account, without privilege escalation. My data is all in my user account, I don't care about a few system files so much as I care about my data.
Can we please leave the bickering and "it's just an installer" out of it and discuss the technical requirements behind this malware so we can better understand it ?
darkplanetsMar 13, 04:43 PMSNIP (Just to save space)
I know thorium doesn't have an awesome past, especially in early development. That said, I think with more development it's liable to be a better alternative to uranium. What you said is all true, however you're citing an experimental reactor; things just aren't magically perfect, sadly.
To quote one of your articles: It was 15MWe, 46 MWt, and was used to develop and test a wide variety of fuels and machinery over its lifetime. Its Helium outlet temperature was 950�C, but fuel temperature instabilities occurred during operation with locally far to high temperatures. As a consequence the whole reactor vessel became heavily contaminated by Cs-137 and Sr-90 [1]. Concerning beta-contamination AVR is the highest contaminated nuclear installation worldwide as AVR management confirmed 2001
Notice the part about it being used to test a wide variety of fuels and machinery? Also the fuel temperature instabilities? That's what caused the Cs-137 and Sr-90 contamination, as noted above. A reactor that's properly designed (with properly fabricated fuel) won't have the disadvantages of a test reactor, and shouldn't have that contamination. I'm not saying it's perfect now, but controlling those instabilities shouldn't be an issue, especially in light of salt or liquid fuel possibilities. Furthermore, what about MSR? It's not a pebble bed; it's molten. That itself should even out the fuel temperature instabilities a little, just the liquid fuel based system.
You raise a very valid point about Thorium, however I think one instance of a test reactor hardly justifies dinging the entire concept because the initial reactor wasn't designed well (see the cracked bottom of the AVR...), but rather it serves as a basis for future designs. Also, what about India planning to use thorium? They're not approaching this with guesswork-- there's clear advantages to using it over uranium. Differences in opinion I guess, but hey, to each his own.
EDIT: Also, I know my initial wording was a little fuzzy; what I meant to say was PBR with uranium, and MSR with thorium-- at least for now.
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henhowcMay 6, 10:20 AMI don't really get my calls dropped when I'm connected with someone. But I do get a lot of calls where it never rings or registers as a missed call and it just goes straight to voice mail. That's a bit frustrating. I'm in the West Los Angeles area and work in a densely populated college campus so I'm assuming that's probably contributing to the problem.

MordJul 12, 04:19 AMexctly what i have been saying this last year.
we all know thinksecrets record lately.
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mommySep 12, 04:13 PMI've been coming to MacRumors since maybe but this product has finally inspired me to register. Welcome, iTV - I can't wait til you're part of our living room.
I'm posting with a request too, because there are so many excellent writers on here. Please, someone needs to write a site/blog about getting media ready for the forthcoming iTV. My iTunes and iPhoto libraries are just a mess, and I have stuff on DVD that I don't have a clear idea of how to rip and catalog. If you have a good "system," create a how-to guide, please!
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chown33Apr 10, 06:46 PMWhat if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?
Two ways come to mind:
1. Make a folder called "Favorite Apps" or whatever.
Add it to the Dock by dragging it there.
Put aliases to your favorite apps there.
You can do this with any number of folders, so you can make collections of related tools (e.g. Video Favorites, Writing Favorites, whatever). You can also arrange the tools in sub-folders. I've done this for years with a DevTools folder of development-tool applications.
2. System Preferences > Appearance pane.
At "Number of recent items" make sure 10 or 15 or whatever Applications is enabled.
Apple menu > Recent Items > Applications
The designated number of recently opened applications will be listed.
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NT1440Apr 24, 06:37 PMYou're saying the Middle-East, Maghreb, Persia, Central Asia, Pakistan/Afghanistan are not ruins?
You and I have a terribly different definition of ruins I suppose. I consider a place ruins when its not even inhabitable.
Well if you were to look at world history, rather than just look at the world through a religious lens, you'd know the reasons for ongoing conflicts in much of that section of the world. Hint: it tends to do with imperialists powers tamperings.
Also, where is the biggest muslim population in the world? ;)
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MoonDoggMar 18, 08:00 AMMy response to that TXT msg would be...
Did you know... I don't give a F|_|C|< !!!
and if you change my plan I will cancel my subscription and not pay a disconnect fee.... they may charge it... but I will never pay it.
I feel it is wrong to double charge someone for there data usage... It should not matter how you use your data... you paying for a certain amount and if you don't go over that then why should it matter. And to all of you that say there stealing something by tethering... there not... they paid for the data already... who are they hurting by using it on another device... no one... if at&t says they can't handle the network load then they need to upgrade there network.. or stop selling data capable phones. Oh and the thing about the unlimited plans... if its not unlimited... then don't say it is... that's false advertising... and I don't care about the fine print either.... they should not be allowed to advertise unlimited with out it being... umm.. well unlimited... and I know they don't offer it anymore... so if they want to get rid of it... when there current contract expires... take it away... done deal...
Before I get flamed to death here are some facts....
1. yes my iphone is jail-broke
2. no I don't tether... hell I only have the $15 plan and never go over it.
PitBull Puppies For Sale
toddybodyApr 15, 09:32 AMThese teens are just people who are hurting because of the terrible actions others place on them. That empathy needs to be universal...regardless of your opinion on sexuality.
For all you young guys and gals hurting out there, stay strong because you have so many wonderful things ahead of you. It will get better, there are so many people just like you...and you're loved. God Bless, I cant wait to see what you all accomplish:)
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Man4allseaFeb 15, 04:24 PMErm.. you're being closed minded.
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MacinDocApr 12, 11:04 PMYes, that was exactly my point. The people who know how to use the software are (sometimes) assistant editors, although I find the vast majority know how to do a few simple things, but do them well.. The original poster was implying you needed to be a hollywood film editor to judge technical capabilities, and I was saying they were the worst choice for just that reason.
The people who know the most about editing systems are the Sr. editors who work on heavy, effects based sequences that work in broadcast production environments (I'm not talking about me here). *They* are the ones who push systems to the limits and *they* are the ones who go to NAB. (They're still only 10% of that room)
I think that most of them will find that Apple has, at present abandoned them. That's not to say the industry won't shift, and there won't be enough 3rd party solutions out there, but they are throwing Avid a HUGE bone here.
FCP was making big inroads into broadcast, and they're throwing it away-- for today certainly.
Filmwise, could go either way, depending on the production. If it's got great RED/4k performance, "film" support isn't so important..
But for the indie crowd, they're really screwing them over, if they are abandoning Color. *THAT* is what shocked me. I'm also surprised that effects weren't more advanced. I couldn't see anything on a titling tool, but that's pretty imporant for Broadcast as well.. and *no* existing solution is good for that... They really had (have?) a chance to make that right, and it seems they don't care.
So, when I say "iMovie Pro" that isn't necessarily pejorative. This product is WAY, WAY, WAY more iMovie than FCP. That doesn't mean you can't cut "a real movie" on it. But for Broadcast TV, it's a real step down in a lot of ways-- at the very least not a step up.. The interface is very iMovie. They should have called it iMovie PRO, especially if they're getting rid of the rest of the FCS apps..
Now if it turns out this is just the tip of the iceberg-- then we really could be in for a treat.
Who said anything about discontinuing Color and the rest of FCS? I can't imagine Apple would think that Color could be replaced by one-click color correction. And once and for all, can we stop saying that making the interface easier to use is making the product less professional? Is OS X less professional than DOS?
pitbulls for sale
lilo777Apr 28, 03:50 PMMost people run windows on their macs? are you high?
Are you? Why do you think Windows 7 sells so well? All Mac users need to buy one.
edifyingGerbilApr 23, 02:04 PMWhy do you say that it has to be the Judaeo-Christian God? If there is a god or creator-being, the chances of this god being the Judaeo-Christian God is infinitesimal.
lol, in all of the classical arguments for the existence of God, God was defined as being in the possession of the same attributes as he is in the Bible. If you could define God in any way you wished then I'm sure it'd be a lot easier to prove his existence.
The Bible, as you may or may not know, is the basis for Christianity, and the Old Testament is the basis for Judaism.
Hindu theologians take a different approach to these ontological problems.
cwelshApr 21, 08:42 AMSo you can steal artists property. Tell me how you can justify that? Nothing to do with android or ios but please tell me how you can justify stealing. Its the same as going into a shop and taking something. Sure nothing will happen immediately but I guarantee you will pay for it.
Sorry that's like saying I only steal from big manufactures like Heinz or Kellogs.
I agree with everything you just said, it's the same concept as tethering without paying the mandatory fee. People will try to justify stealing in any way possible.
On topic, i am very disappointed with the LTE announcement but regardless my 3GS is slowly dying, so it looks like i'll be getting the iphone 5 anyhow.
iJohnHenryMar 13, 12:11 PMGeo thermal energy. Cleaner, cheaper, safer than nuclear by magnitudes.
So, everyone should just move to Iceland??
How far down would you have to drill, to reach magma?
flopticalcubeMar 13, 03:12 PMAutomobile safety features and breakdowns compared to nuclear disaster.
Which have killed more? Hint: it's not nuclear reactors.
eternlgladiatorMar 11, 08:57 AM+1
didnt know the word tw@t was used over the pond... lol amezzin
I thought it was appropriate for this line. It's not in my main repertoire but I thought it worked.

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