You Said Forever - Emo Love
harrymerkinMar 7, 07:57 PMThe design is my own . . .but it was for something so I don't own anymore.
love you forever emo. i love
richardhuntApr 12, 11:26 AMAll this at a time when ISP's are moving to metered broadband in the US. I have yet another excuse to move to a "business class" service, until those get capped.
love you forever emo. love you
ChrisAOct 25, 04:15 PMXserve lags so far behind the Mac Pro in release, costs much more, has little to make it better and just as much to make it worse. I would love to have an Xserve, but I don't understand why anyone would buy one.
#1 feature: The xserve is small and takes little rack space
#2 redundnet power supplies
#3 disks and power supplies are front servicable (these are the thing that break all the time)
#4 Bundled with server version of OSX
#5 It comes with an option for no graphic card.
#6 Lights Out managment (see #5 above)
Of the above I bet #6 and #1 are the most populare features
Here is soething that competes with the xserve
Notice they talk abut "power comsumption" and "compute density" something that only someone running many dozens or hundreds of these would care much about.
If yu realy want an xserve and can't afford one. I'd suggest buying a 1U rack mount PC case putting an ASUS mainboard inside of it and installing BSD UNIX. A Mac without a graphic card and with no mouse or keyboard is just a UNIX box.

i love you 4eva.
SpockApr 5, 02:25 PMWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 1.5; en-us; MB200 Build/CUPCAKE) AppleWebKit/528.5+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.2 Mobile Safari/525.20.1)
I want to see the blender get blended!
love you forever emo. love you
JackSYiJul 11, 04:26 PMI believe the iPods are devices used so heavily, plastic coating should never be used, instead use all metal enclosures (just like the minis).

Emo Love Doesnt Exist. forever
brooklynSep 9, 05:00 PMDon't know if you guy's have seen this video for an Apple Phone that has been floating around.
It seems like the guy who made it is trying to make a name for himself. No truth to the film... I think?
love you forever emo. love you
j-huskissonAug 3, 09:32 AMWhy is no-one here talking about the WDC banner?
Let's hope that iMac with the '64bit' picture next to it means what I think it means for my iMac order ;)
i love you emo
BlasterzillaMay 4, 12:35 PMLooking forward to moving on to bigger and better things. Thanks Apple.
Cute Emo Love Drawings.
OdduWonOct 22, 10:00 AMim wondering, if it is that big of a screen and that slim, how long can the battery last?
eah thats why the back is a giant solar panel :cool:
lasted forever.
ccrandall77Nov 3, 11:43 AMW-CDMA is just an air-interface standard. It's not a mixture of anything. It was originally designed for the Japanese FOMA system and was subsequently adopted by the 3G GSM people.
It is a CDMA air interface, but it's unrelated to IS-95, the popular US standard used by Sprint and Verizon that's frequently called "CDMA" as if the terms are interchangable. It doesn't contain any GSM, and it doesn't contain any IS-95. It is, however, like IS-95, a CDMA system, and UMTS, which uses it, is a version of GSM.
Not exactly.
From Wikipedia:
"More technically, W-CDMA is a wideband spread-spectrum mobile air interface that utilizes the direct sequence Code Division Multiple Access signalling method (or CDMA) to achieve higher speeds and support more users compared to the older TDMA signalling method of GSM networks. W-CDMA is a competitor to CDMA2000."
And if you look at this presentation on page 9:
you'll see that the W-CDMA standard did evolve from GSM and CDMA (IS-95).
There are a lot of other references out there too, but these are the 2 I have readily available.
love you forever emo. i love
babyjSep 11, 10:41 AMI used to want an all in one phone, but not anymore - I want to keep the phone and iPod totally seperate from each other. My current phone (Sony P910) can play music but I've never used it for that and never will.
Sometimes I just want to listen to music without being disturbed. If I'm using my phone for music that will never happen. I know I could turn the phone part off (flight mode) but it will keep bugging that I could be missing a call, so I'd end up turning the phone back on again.
I do want a decent phone with all the bits and pieces, especially wifi and a decent camera, but the choice is very limited at the moment. If it plays music that will be fine provided I don't have to pay extra for it or for the extra storage. I'm sure an Apple phone would do everything I want, so please....bring it on.
I think a lot of people feel the same way, so I'm not convinced an iPod phone would sell that well. Most people have a mobile phone and the majority can play music (albeit with reduced storage), yet iPods continue to sell well. Why?
cute emo love heart. Forever
Supposed to later but it looks and feels like another clear one to me. Here's hoping though.
45 minutes till play resumes. I bet Giles and Jones had trouble sleeping last night. I got the train this morning at Putney and it was even more packed than yesterday with people on their way to Vauxhall for the day. Gits.
To all the US members lost here, this is the game where you can play five matches at five days a piece and still draw!! Brilliant.

Emo Love Quotes And Sayings
bossxiiApr 27, 11:02 AMI wonder what over profit generating uses Apple intends to use location data, collected with location services off, in the future ?
It's so when your new shinny iPhone 6 shows up with an NFC chip they can just charge you for walking near an Apple store. Kinda like layaway plan, but you won't know about it anyhow... at least until someone figures out the hidden file with a list of charges!
Emo Couple in Love - Together Forever T Shirts by theminionfactory. This ultra cute design features sweet emo Elzie and her equally emo boyfriend,
blunderboyAug 20, 01:34 AMCan't stand Budweiser/Miller Lite/any of that stuff. My favourite beers are from local breweries or are European. Most of the time, I find myself drinking Heineken or Stella.
love you forever emo. love you
p0intblankAug 2, 04:10 PMI can't WAIT for Steve's keynote. :D It's like Christmas to me...
DraythorNov 17, 02:39 AMI like the idea about changing the layout of the bottom of the laptops. However, interchangable plates!I would never buy mac if it was like that.
The multi touch poatent ages ago could be used in conjunction to make the touch pad and surrounding area into an interface, you coukld then design or make any interface you want and export them to apple online like widgets!
Drawing emo love, Added by
Onimusha370Apr 15, 12:57 PMJust to clear up a few things, the schools network was fully protected, so I was working without any Internet. Despite this, I was still a threat? I'm pretty sure the IT guy was just an idiot. I'm tempted to take the air again... But that's probably a bad idea right? :(
And so you know, i'm 16 and in my last year of high school, studying music. Logics pretty great to have around, and the schools music software is just awful; so I'd really miss not having it with me...
Thanks for everyones interest in the subject, it's really appreciated.
And I'm in the UK, so i'm not sure about legal information.
i love it. reply
WildCowboyDec 11, 02:33 PMSo now that we have a few people registered, anyone willing to volunteer to help organise a meetup of sorts? I'm certainly willing to (considering I live here) but I need to get a feel of how many people are actually interested,
Okay, I just signed up for the free Exhibit Hall pass. I'd also be willing to help coordinate a meet-up. I'm still not sure what my schedule will be like then and how much I'll be able to attend, but count me in!
Emo love forever
torbjoernMar 16, 04:01 AMMost Japanese have a good, firm upbringing from their parents and teachers. Discipline.
It's a shame to display fear in public.
simieOct 19, 12:37 PMWe will see if these are legit or not, if Apple legal ask for the images are removed
Freecity88Apr 19, 12:53 PMLast time I got the Portal free and was very happy playing it.
I'll buy a Portal 2 once I get my new MBP for sure
PeterkroMay 1, 04:24 PMMonday 29 June 2009 14.45 BST - Nearly 2 years ago.
Also, I'm not talking about refugees. Also, my Auntie and Uncle both work for the social housing department for Bristol city council. I've heard terrible stories. British people, who are pretty much homeless, getting put down the bottom of the list for a priority newly legal immigrant who has 8 kids, etc. The british people who also have kids. We're afraid of upsetting people. Therefore we leave our own to stuffer, and help others. Also it's good in the last few years charities are now paying to home illegal immigrants, etc.
Also see this part "newly arrived migrants were being given priority for scarce social housing over British-born families", still a massive debate on going about this. This is STILL happening.
Unless you are suggesting something has changed in the last two years what has the date of the article got to do with it,if it has changed please supply a source(no your relatives won't do).If you insist on presenting your personal prejudices as fact this discussion will go nowhere.I'm still waiting for a source for the 800000 people who can work but don't by the way.
PlaceofDisSep 9, 07:43 PMHes another cool one, He is an ex Navy or amry guy, fully retired and lives in a small town, no one gives him sh##, they all respect him as a member of the twon. (typing sucks one handed with a shot glass full of salt water to the head)
didnt like the advice from my guy huh? :mad:
just playing around... hope it heals well, and just try to keep it clean, but don't obsess of the cleanliness, otherwise it will take too long to heal. man its going to be a pain to keep my industrial from getting infected LOL, those are the worst. btw, any blood or puss or green oozing crap? dont worry about any of that, its normal and healthy. :)
SubaruNation555Dec 7, 10:22 AMOh how nice, instead of AT&T doing the work themselves they are having us do it for free.
**** you AT&T
Well provided AT&T actually acts on the information generated by the app, it's a win-win. Customers get to report exact gaps in performance and AT&T has an inexpensive and widespread source of feedback to act on.
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