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Frankydan100Mar 7, 12:21 PMNice, do you have the link?
If u want to pm me your email I can send it to you as an attachment mate.
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Big-TDI-GuyMay 1, 02:01 PM2: The masses. They don't care about the Big Club because they are too busy watching cheap TV-entertainment while consuming their microwaved dinners - just a modern version of the classical "bread and circus".
I am genuinely sickened and offended by your statement there... As I find it horribly depressing, and ominously true.
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FuNGiMar 8, 04:40 PMBoohoo. ;)
How many page ins? Close to or over a million? If the # of page outs is < half # of page ins, there is absolutely no reason at all to upgrade memory. It won't make your system any faster or better responsive. If it is more than half, your system could use a memory upgrade and the closer the two numbers are together, the higher your need for memory.
Number of page outs are completely irrelevant and don't mean diddle squat, unless viewed in relation to the number of page ins.
Can you enlighten us a bit more as to where you get these proportions? Looking at my 4GB MBA I see that there is nearly no free RAM, the page ins are at 1.52GB, and the page outs are a measly 22.6 MB with a swap of 6 MB. How does no free RAM equate with your rational above?
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CheerwinoApr 26, 12:30 PMI'm holding out for the beige.
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PghLondonApr 29, 11:13 AMNot at all. Sales are determined and calculated by part numbers ... by any reliable firm, that is. Perhaps, you're not familiar with such practices? Maybe you spend too much time viewing simplified/dumbed-down blogs instead of actual sales/business forecasts. It's OK, at one juncture, all of us had to spoon-fed.
Sales are determined by model number. Inventory control is calculated by part number.
Keep trying, though. I'm quite amused.
animated cartoon. Search:
ATGAug 8, 04:22 AMCome on apple!!!! There are 4800 people there who are all paying for tickets (or get tickets out of really pricey memberships). 4800 x $1595 = $7,656,000!!! (or around there). Do you think you could afford to buy 10 more Xserves?
About steve and his health... I haven't seen him yet (stream still not good enough to watch) but if he did have to have part of his stomach removed then that could be the reason he's skinny. Also a beard is not the sign of ill health.
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johndallas999Apr 26, 02:42 PMIt's a parking lot.
Yes, I vote parking lot as well.
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SaladasMar 1, 12:15 PMMy iMac

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PBFApr 20, 10:02 AMSaw this in the Daily Mail today...
Black iPhone 4 with dirty-white GelaSkin on. They look atrocious. Why even bother?
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WillEHMay 1, 01:59 PMYou began your rant by saying that you were treated as a 2nd class citizen in your own country (which I honestly don't understand; are you being denied something that immigrants are getting???), and then followed up torbjoern's comment of "it's not your country anymore" by saying "illegal immigrants are so fantastic."
This heavily implies an underhanded racism and xenophobia because just about the only immigrants that could be illegal in any significant numbers in the UK are going to be non-white.
There's also an implication that your country is being taken over by some alien force, and I doubt you mean French, Norse, or German travelers when you make such veiled statements.
I'm pretty sure you don't live here... every illegal immigrant that enters England pretty much gets to stay 90% of the time. My tax money goes to housing them, giving them a car, and whatever else they desire. I'm being treated as a second class citizen to illegal immigrants. Please NEVER EVER accuse someone of being racist, when I haven't once mentioned anything that is racist, I take great offence to someone calling me a racist. I am not a racist. I just do not like illegal immigrants entering my country, be it if they are white, brown, black, or green.
I think "I'm a second class citizen in my own country" says it all.
That's such a racist remark I made.. Second class citizen in my own country.

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ViViDboarderSep 29, 10:19 PMI almost bought this and then realized I need a Core2Duo... I only have the CoreDuo. Oh well.
Slingbox it is!!!
Also, why would they enable you to watch Live TV from the iPhone but not from another computer? Seems dumb...
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infiniteentropyMay 4, 01:05 PMAnybody have the direct download links for the various versions? Would love to download them here at work so I don't have to wait while at home... thanks! :apple:
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ppdixJul 16, 10:31 AM:p
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scott523Oct 12, 02:57 PMWow, Steve Jobs really lied about the iPod shuffle shipping in October...

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steve2112Aug 1, 06:58 AMNo, because you said it tastes moldy, and smells like feet. While I admit some beers smell nasty (Yes you, gueuze,) I've thankfully never found one that smells like my feet.
You have obviously never had a Newcastle that has gone skunky. I love Newcastle, but I hate those clear bottles.
Of An Anime COUPLE!
paul4339Apr 4, 09:47 AMAndroid US market share grows by 7% but the top Android OEM's marketshare didn't change much. So does that mean it's the "smaller" OEMs (HTC, rebranded phones) sales that are accounting for the Android growth?
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manu chaoNov 10, 12:37 PMI only have 1 GB with my MacPro. Excel & Word only run slowly if I'm also running Parallels Desktop for Mac at the same time. Add in FireFox & you'll find out how slow virtual memory can be big time.
At those time I'm not sure I can wait until those FB DIMMs come down in price to a more reasonable, affordable level.
Bill the TaxMan
On my Powerbook, opening after restart all roughly 20 standard applications which I keep always running already brings the RAM consumption to over 1.1 GB. If you do not want to resign yourself to running only a handfull applications at a time 1 GB is not enough, 1.5 GB will do if you run only one big app at a time. If you want to run Rosetta better get 2 GB or more or run Rosetta and nothing else.
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KristianmaarApr 19, 06:52 AMHas anyone tested the game on a Macbook Pro 13' Mid 2010?
I want to buy the game, but I don't know if it will work fine.
It should work, but it won't be pretty.. I have the same MBP and I'm gonna take the chance - if it doesn't work well I'll let you know :-)

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EvilEvilApr 22, 01:47 PMA lot of you are a bunch of cheap asses. Most of you don't understand the amount of work that goes into producing these apps. They're not just PDFs that you download and flip through. You get both an interactive version and print version of the the magazine. The reason print subscriptions are so cheap is because they don't really care about print sales. You're paying them to give your information to them so they can use it for marketing purposes. Thus another reason the ipad/iphone version are more expensive is because Apple won't allow them to collect your information. Conde is currently working on a subscription model, but it also how they are going to be able to negotiate with Apple.
marksmanApr 21, 04:54 PMDe leet
skunkMar 5, 12:08 PMOne more time: yes, I think the guy should have stopped, but I think she bears as much blame as she does. He tried to diffuse a hostile situation by leaving; her actions indicated that she insisted it continue.You have no idea what transpired.
TannerHApr 5, 08:47 PMThat Is So Sad!
Big-TDI-GuyApr 26, 08:54 PMThree things:
Car Photo: Put this argument to bed for good, check his SPYphone log file, and see where he was at that point in time. ;) But I'm in the parking lot camp until that info is shared.
LCD: What a terrible looking display - back light bleeding not so much as terrible diffusion / light scatter - you can clearly see the LEDs themselves - bleeding I usually associate with a spot or two from poor extinction ratios - but that thing is... ack. As for the white balance bit with a white surround, I've yet to notice this effect while using any of my white iMacs, and have not seen it on the white Macbooks...
Lozenge Shaped Sensor: Huh? It looks no different from the sensor in my black iPhone. Hold a flashlight up to the front - it's in the same shape, and location, as this white iPhone... Only difference being, it's a lot easier to spot on the white one.
AlBDamnedSep 12, 12:19 PMStart small, end big. Why would they want to start big and end small?
I know, but new iPod games, a new Nano case, some slightly bigger iPods and a video streaming device + the iTunes movie store? Well it's barely worth sitting here for. ;)
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