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AidenShawSep 9, 09:02 PMBut I am pretty sure the newest developer tools can cope with that, considering that multicore chips are a rather new thing in the mainstream market...
Try the Processor Preferences app contained in the Apple CHUD tools, for instance...
Please explain - I have no idea what "that" is....
Regardless of the tool, however, it is usually much better to let the OS dynamically schedule threads across the cores. Unless the programmer has some reason to try to control this, the alternative is some resources (CPUs) being overcommitted, while other CPUs are idle.
It doesn't matter who has the better tools - it's usually better to let the OS decide microsecond by microsecond how best to schedule the CPUs, than to have the developer make those decisions at edit time.
I've used the SetProcessAffinityMask APIs fairly often, but it's always been for specific test or benchmark situations. I have a hard time thinking of a situation where a general application would want to statically control the scheduler - it's just "bad think" to even try. (Except for those weird-a$$ NUMA Opterons - you can be really scr3wed if you have to go through HyperTransport to get to memory. I check NUMA topology, and use affinity to keep the AMD architecture from killing me.)

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miloSep 19, 03:59 PMI cannot sell it or give it away as a gift.
You give used DVD's as gifts? :confused: Your friends must love you.
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prady16Oct 12, 01:33 PMCheck out DeaPeaJay's mockup at AppleInsider. Me want.
Looks good!

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ezekielrage_99Aug 29, 06:51 AMI'm pretty sure the guy doesn't deserve to be shot down.
It seems to me that by "MB" he did not bean "MacBook" as is the most common use of these two letters, but "Mother Board" which makes perfect sense, covers all Yonah macs and is perfectly true. Disregarding the soldering issue of the 'books, which is a different point.
I'm a convert from the PC mob and whenever I see MB I automatically think of "Main Board" as well.
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cwt1nospamApr 11, 05:16 AMYeah, let's all waste time worrying about a "possible" threat that hasn't proved to be any significant danger in the wild. It's even better that we can worry about it in an obsolete version of the OS!
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Chris BangleOct 12, 12:44 PM[QUOTE=Chundles]Bono, whilst playing a gig in Glasgow, got the whole crowd to be silent and then began slowly clapping his hands. He got the crowd to clap along for a while, the stadium quiet except for the rhythmic clapping...
After a short period Bono spoke, saying that everytime he clapped his hands a child in Africa died...
Suddenly, from the front row of the venue a voice broke out in thick Scottish brogue, ending the silence as it echoed across the crowd, the voice cried out to Bono "Well stop f***king doing it then!!"
True story.
Are we allowed to find that funny because that is quite hilarious. If im not allowed to laugh at it then its not funny... But that is quite funny....
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Tones2Mar 29, 12:25 PMOver FOUR YEARS, which is a major amount of time in this market, I think iOS, Andriod and Windows phones with all be pretty much the same. I think there's going to be a point where that not more more to do with hardware in terms of innovative features. The OS's themselves are really just shells for running apps anyway, and they will all do this fairly effectively in similar ways, a lot like OSX and Win7 are two good OS's. The key will be the app market, which Apple currently holds a huge lead, but in 4 years it would seem that Android and Windows will catch up in terms of IMPORTANT apps to run, so that will be levelized as well.
The iPhone will always have the crazy fanboys to their advantage but Android and Windows phones have the flexibility factor of an open platform where a number of manufacturers can make phones at different price points in different markets.
So in 4 years, I think all will have similar market shares, with iOS being at the bottom of the three just in terms of number of phones because of the closed platform syndrome, but not by much. However, the iPhone will be the most profitable of the three for the OS manufacturers since Apple also maks the hardware.
So let's call it a tie - everybody wins, including the consumer. Remember fanboys - competition and choice is a GOOD thing!
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flopticalcubeApr 16, 10:34 PMPaying higher taxes in Canada is well worth the benefits here IMO. There are still those groups who take advantage, but it seems to a lesser extent here. Aside from wait times everyone seems content with paying taxes for what they receive. There are some things I disagree with where the government oversteps their bounds (and others where they don't step in enough, cell phone companies/Internet suck up here due to no competition)., but the election system is also much better IMO. I don't know 100% how the system for election works here but it seems the government was challenged a couple months ago and they are already voting for pm. No year long campaign.
Vote of non-confidence. Yeah, short campaigns are the best and the cell/Internet situation sucks balls but there are a few ways around it with some restrictions. No waiting lists outside big cities. Good to see you are settling in, ZA.

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viperguyMay 3, 10:17 AMStill USB 2.0
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LegendKillerUKApr 19, 07:38 AMDid anyone else notice that the iPhone picture is actually a 3G running iOS 2.x?
Silly Apple.

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toddybodyApr 14, 12:51 PMGlad to hear it:D
Im really stoked to see the Ivy Bridge benchmarks...the i72600k blew my mind:eek: I feel bad for the enthusiast folks who bought a 980x :(
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dime21Feb 9, 02:10 PMit's a nice gesture, but anti-virus software on osx is about as useful as tits on a boar.

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uwetoddApr 4, 11:44 AMYou say yes, mall security guard says no.
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prezpat2020Aug 28, 03:22 PMI dream of a new macbook pro enclosure...
Amen to that! Give me the Santa Rosa with a new MacBook Pro enclosure and 10.5 preinstalled... THEN I'll upgrade from my sturdy G3 iBook!
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BenRoethigSep 1, 11:40 AMHow reliable is MacOSXrumors?

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KoodauwSep 15, 05:46 PMA shame about scrapping the idea of a ground up design - I hope that doesn't lead to a lack of innovation. That's what really leads Apple along! Although if they just make a killer phone (I'm sure they will at some point...) it's bound to sell buckets loads!
It just said it was going with off the shelf parts, so hopefully the design can boast innovation.

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SquonkSep 26, 09:05 AMI'm with you. As a MVNO, Apple could kick Helio's ass. Maybe they are becoming an MVNO and they're leasing their network time from Cingular? That makes sense, don't it?
Think about it...
.Mac mobile
The cellphone connects to your .Mac mail, your iCal calendar, and your Address Book.
iChat and text messaging would become one and the same. I could use iChat to talk with a friend on his iPhone, and vice versa. The iPhone has a camera, right? Video conference from the train, anyone?
Buy ringtones at the iTunes store, or just use any song in your library as your ringtone, or write your own ringtone in Garageband.
Download your podcasts from anywhere.
Yes, this is all conjecture, but it's the only thing that really makes a full-fledged Apple iPhone make sense to me in their overall plan for world domination.
I love the concept! The phone syncing to your .mac account (if you have one) instead of syncing the phone to your Mac directly.
AND... This would then handle the PC users. They could get a .mac account and have access to all these goodness as well.
Sadly, knowing Cingular, and the rest of the network providers, they would charge out the *ss for this capability. I like having the ability with my SE T637 that I surf for free midi files, download them to my mac, connect to the phone via bluetooth and upload the midi's - voila, free ringtones. Sure, some of them are cheesy, but I'm not paying $1 per ringtone.
I'm already (over)paying for a .mac account. I really don't want to pay more money again for a portal between my cellular account and the .mac account. Sadly, that is probably what the reality would be and probably rightfully so - technology isn't free.
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BickityMar 29, 11:34 AMIf they load it on every free, **** phone out there. Actually sounds very possible. Race to the bottom.

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SPUY767Sep 10, 08:16 AMThe iMac is huge (relatively speaking), are you telling me such a huge enclosure won't be able to dissipitate an extra 30W or so? It is only around 30W more!
Like it or not Apple will have to somehow fit the Kentsfield into their lineup, cos their advertising campaigns are going to look very lame when Dell simply cops their "switch" campaign style and come out with a "PC" with 4 heads and a "Mac" with only 2.
When Kentfield replaces Conroes and every $999 Dell ships with quad core, it is quite hard to justify buying a dual (in Apple's case, a $2000+ quad)
The current 900$ dells don't even come with a Core based processor, so I doubt that a "Core-Quadro" is in the future for any 900$ dell. Bottom line will always be, most of the time, you get exactly what you pay for.
roland.gAug 28, 02:40 PMUnfortunately, cats are known liars.
bjdkuSep 13, 09:40 PMThe only way i'd give up my Treo for an "iPhone" is if it is a true "smart phone". That means PDA functionality. It's got to do everything my Treo does. If it's simply another phone with iTunes on it then it's not worth switching, at least in my opinion.
I am with you on this. I don't see the real compelling reason to have a plain old iPod that makes phone calls and sucks all my battery so I can't play music, or vice versa. It needs to be a compelling smart phone, that will be the inovative part, not the hardware design. We all know it will look like a nano.
jonhaxorMar 30, 12:12 PMI'm thinkin' Apple should have gone with "iApp Store" (u heard it here FIRST! Let me get a trademark/patent on that) b/c Microsoft is just a big ole' :D
hardly original .. holyshnikes beat you to it about 3 years ago
personally - I like the appapp store, or perhaps the appsmear (goes well with the ipad for feminine hygiene)
AvSRoCkCO1067Sep 14, 08:04 AMIs there any chance that they'll release the MBPs here?
bdj21yaOct 12, 04:43 PMDude... That has to be the most racist thing I have ever read! :eek:
Evolved???? And comparing humans to natural selection of animals????
I don't see the point of your incredulity (come on man using 4 question marks twice in one post. That's totally flagrant).
We aren't any different. Social interaction is just another aspect of biological evolution. It all breaks down to reactions between atoms and there's nothing racist about it. Are you going to tell me that the evolution of animals doesn't depend on their social interactions?
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