japanese maple bonsai tree.
blueflameSep 19, 02:20 PMthis model apple is using is fine, but 2 things need to happen, 1, much the same as netflix, they should send you a blank dvd with case for each order, and secondly, like the music, all cover art should be given as well. it should be burnable, I would pay 9.99 for movie with the convinience of download, for this proce, even with the less quality if I could burn my own dvd, put it in any dvd player and watch it. but I want all the artwork as well, so i can FEEL my dvd library growing,
and onsai trees too.
rmhop81Apr 22, 07:50 AMI'm amazed that no-one is seeing the very dangerous path we could be heading down here. Will people only see it when it's too late?
Are we looking into the jaws of the future where you pay, but never OWN anything? Music, Movies, Apps.
You pay to have the right to listen/watch/use the data.
The data is never downloaded to your device to do as you wish, it's always held by the owners. or distributors.
I can see this coming like a flashing red warning sign.
what are you going to do with your downloaded song? if you still use cd's, you're an old timer when it comes to technology. My wife and i both listen to pandora/itunes music in the car and hooked up wirelessly throughout the house. Boom, all the music in the cloud service could be right there right now. Instead of having to go to my computer, sync what music i want so i can load up my phone with music i want for my trip.
Times are changing. Once this cloud service is the standard, you won't have to have multiple hard drives with your data or music/photos. Go look at dropbox and how popular that is. There is no need for users to have mass amaount of storage when you can access it in the cloud.
Japanese Maple dug from a
kreshSep 19, 03:43 PMI think Apple should seriously consider offering rentals too. Its dumb not to try it out :)
If it destroys their whole business model, then it is not dumb to not "try it out".
Apple is clearly not interested in the subscription or rental business models.
edit: Clarity
(Japanese Maple)
RicardAug 23, 05:43 PMApple needs to sell 334,448.160535117 iPods to get the "investment" money back...
Japanese maple tree (Acer
roadblocApr 4, 04:54 PMI stand corrected.
Japanese maple bonsai tree
CreiboldSep 12, 03:00 PMIt's the nintendo thinking people...
view large. Japanese Maple
ericinbostonApr 28, 05:24 PMApple and MS haven't competed against each other since 1993. And back then it was still just on the OS.
Apple has always competed against the entire Wintel PC market...not just Microsoft's Windows OS.
It's all about 2 different business models, essentially centering at the OS:
1)Apple makes, sells, supports the Mac OS and Mac hardware
2)Microsoft, on the other hand, simply creates the OS and licenses it to hardware vendors.
Of course Microsoft is unhappy with this breaking news but they, again, are 2 completely different business models. One could write a small book on the topic.
Walter Pall#39;s Japanese Maple
cubeApr 22, 07:52 PMI would also prefer AMD, but I don't think there will be Llanos low-powered enough for the MBA.
Look at the Zacate E-350. It's 18W, and CPU-wise it's at a dual core Atom level.
OK, it's bulk 40nm, and Llano is 32nm SOI, but the quad mobile Llano I've seen is supposed to be 45W. MBAs are at 10W and 17W.
Llano is still a Stars+ core. Maybe next year with Bulldozer Fusion.
An important detail is that one needs to add the graphics TDP to those Intel numbers, so there's still hope for some Llano goodness.
Acer Palmatum, Japanese Maple,
nagrommeSep 5, 01:59 PMA start to movie downloads is for sure.
But anything else might be postponed, so we must try to remain calm :)
(It's all the OTHER rumors that interest me more. I highly doubt that iTunes movies will meet my standards at first--though I'm happy to see a step in that direction. If they're less than DVD quality they'd better be close AND very cheap. And until the selection rivals Netflix it won't see much use from me.)
Re Core 2 Duo
The iMac may get the headline (if a larger size is truly coming) but they could well update iMacs AND MacBook Pros simultaneously. Makes a good announcement that way.
Japanese Maple Bonsai Tree,
kny3twalkerMar 30, 12:35 PMWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)
"Windows" was a generic term in the computer industry before Microsoft had any trademark.
Yes, but that doesn't matter. The word Windows is no generic IT word, while app(lication) is. That's the difference.
"Apple" can't be used to trademark a fruit, but it can be used to trademark a computer. "Windows" can't be used to trademark "windows of a house" but it can be for an operating system. "App store" can be trademarked for a brothel but not for a store that sells computer applications.
Windows are generic. More so than app store. Just took at your browser and see where it says open a new window. This is not specific to only windows OS.
I am old enough to remember the complaints of Microsoft calling there OS windows when they were not the first to create the concept.
Japanese Green Maple Bonsai
oneighturboSep 14, 12:37 PMnew here to the forums.
i've been patiently waiting for the MBP to be updated before i ordered but wanted to jump on the iPod deal as well which ends the 16th
if one was to place an order and then these are announced the following week, would Apple upgrade you to the comparable machine?
Japanese Maple Bonsai Tree -
sasasuleMar 23, 11:17 AMBalls! I just bought a new 27in iMac like 3-4 weeks ago! Oh well, I have been wanting replace my PC with a mac for like over a year, and I love it.
Me to hehe but to be honest with you when i see how much problems MBP have i am glad that i did bought 2010 gen.
Newbie question - please don't flame me.
How big of a transition is this, as compared - for example - to the Intel chip back around 2006? What I mean is, after the transition to Intel, certain software and eventually the newest operating system itself could no longer be run on the old chip. So, is this transition as significant as that, or is this more of a speed boost kind of thing?
I think it will cover same part like MBP did...so new TB connection, SB CPU, and maybe biger standard HDD's
I want to know where to get a list of products that hook onto Thunderbolt.
You should check Computex exibition show in Taiwan in June there you will see ******** of product prepared for TB
I don't know if they can make the iMacs look better, IMO. They look really nice. hardware improvements would be the best way to keep these machines alive. unless ofcourse they pull of something amazing like they always do lol.
To each their own, but in all reality, these are the best looking "all-in-ones" that i have ever seen.
Need to agree with you on this one
Don't forget the possibility of better graphics and SSD as standard, now thats gotta be worth a grin :)
Better graphic posible but SSD as standard no chance...Maybe lower price on SSD but it will be still optional..
Japanese Maple Bonsai Tree,
LarryCApr 23, 02:48 PMIntel doesn't have a problem "dealing with ATI". The problem is that the integrated graphics in Sandy Bridge are inside the CPU, so if you put an alternative chipset with integrated graphics you're paying for stuff that you don't use, and the whole point of integrated graphics is to reduce costs.
Also, NVIDIA is prohibited by Intel to make new chipsets for Intel CPUs that have an integrated memory controller.
Thank you.
Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum)
wkhahnSep 5, 10:16 PMI haven't read every post of this thread, so forgive me if its already been mentioned, but let's assume for a minute that the elusive Airport Express A/V is finally here. Do you think that it would just be a self contained white box with ports? I think it may be something more.
What if they just took the guts of a current AE, and stuffed them inside the universal iPod dock? It would have to be a little bigger than current designs, but same dock connection. It could be shown with the new iPod, and then the "One more thing" would be its added funtionallity. The ipod could handle the menu/frontrow display. Considering the bandwidth ncessary for video streaming, you could sync your iPod without actually connecting to your computer. Market it as an iPod accessory to a built in audience of 50 or so million.
The Japanese Maple Bonsai Tree
kdarlingApr 20, 11:18 AMThe file contains a log of the cell towers you connected to and when. That's it. This is why the dots are in grids that get bigger the as you leave populated areas and routinely include places you haven't been within 30 miles of.
Note that the grid pattern is faked by the demo reader program to hide actual locations.
(Cells aren't in perfect grids anyway.)
This information is most likely used for connection quality monitoring and caching for Assisted GPS cold starts. It is also the same information stored by your cell phone provider no matter what phone you use. As such, "Big Brother" already has the ability to access to this information.
Or it's leftover code from development and testing.
Japanese Maple Bonsai Tree
lazyrighteyeSep 1, 08:39 AMI was all set to buy one of the New Archos PVP's.... They are pretty sweet.
But knowing my previous buying luck, I'd buy it, then Apple would release the new vPod and movie store.
If what you write is true, would you mind buying that Archos PVP?
I sure would like a new iPod video...
japanese maple bonsai tree.
FoggyAug 29, 04:45 AMAm hoping they release some mbp info today. I was waiting for WWDC, that came and went, I went off on my holidays for a few weeks and came back hoping for an announcement and still nothing. Have been waiting a while to get one but I hate getting something new only to have it upgraded almost immediately afterwards. A laptop needs to last me 3 years so I expect it to go out of date, just not the week after I buy it :p
stock photo : Japanese maple
supermacdesignSep 19, 01:35 PMStudios are scrambling and re-evaluating there offers right now to get on board.
Caption: Japanese Maple bonsai
markw10Sep 14, 11:20 AMI wish a Tablet Mac would come out. My fiancee wants to get a mac now that her son has one and she sees how great they are. Unfortunately she just upgraded her laptop about 4 months ago to a Tablet PC. I am due for a laptop upgrade and said my next laptop will be a Tablet but instead I'm going to the next MBP that will be coming out. She is considering it as well but doesn't want to leave the Tablet so may end up keeping the Tablet as well. I know for the PC side though sales of Tablets are slow so not sure how well that would do. I would imagine though with a Mac things could be different. I think some type of PDA type of device or something similar to the UMPC would come out, kind of a very portable laptop that could fit in a woman's purse.
My hardest thing is these all in one units. I think a lot of good things go with it, the imac is easy to move from one room of the house to the other for example but it's hard to imagine when I want to upgrade my computer having to give up the display as well. I imagine this is the type of thing though that make macs work so well. On the PC side I'm used to building my own pc's, getting the case, motherboard, drives, etc. but with that comes a lot of headaches. I'm more into laptops now anyway but would like a nice desktop that I can always add a new hard drive in, etc. and probably will go with a Mac Pro next year but would like to see something cheaper by then, like a headless imac.
Dmac77Apr 25, 01:51 AMAnd your ethics take an even worse.
The system is clearly broken and you are living proof of it.
Heck if something like that you did that me i would use this thread as poof your actions and laugh my ass off when end up in jail.
Good luck tracking my actual identity down. And also good luck getting anything you dug up admitted in court, because there is absolutely nothing legal about introducing any evidence of my identity you found by tying this account back to my IP/ISP without a warrant.
BrianMojoSep 4, 08:17 PMTV shows are US only, but I doubt Movies will be US only. That would be like music being US only? TV shows are a different animal.
They sure are a different animal; Hollywood thrives on sales outside of the US. Even though all you often hear about is domestic US take on a movie, often the worldwide sales match and far surpass that number. So even though television studios may worry (and rightfully so) about their content translating to different cultures, Hollywood has been making movies universal for years for just that reason.
SeasoughtSep 26, 10:46 AMI'll have to check and see what Cingular is offering deal-wise at the time, but being T-Mobile currently I won't be getting the phone until it expands after that 6 month period.
Assuming I can tolerate the phone in the first place. I've yet to see a cell phone that's impressed me. If anyone can however, it's Apple.
holycatSep 12, 05:44 PMApple is in a slow fall...
I love Mac's, and will always own one. However, the Intel Mac's are buggy as hell. (Still Not Compareable to Windows) The iPod's are not as good as the PSP, except for the large hard drive (and the ease of iTunes).
PSP better than iPod??in what sense??:confused:
RicardAug 23, 06:45 PMCreative is only worth $500 million, how come Apple didn't just buy them?
Because... then you will have to beef-up the reclycling program to get rid of Creative's garbage products... the clean up process will cost more than the big bucks that Apple is paying now.

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